Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pirates Past Noon

As the kids arrived, they worked on a pirate treasure maze ( and colored a picture of a parrot, just like Polly (

Then, I summarized the fourth book, Pirates Past Noon, and asked the children a variety of questions about the book.

Once again, when we arrived at the part in the book where the tree house spun, each child received a Dizzy Pill (which is actually a tootsie roll) to help make them less dizzy. After eating their Dizzy Pills, the children were instructed to spin around three times, as if they were in the spinning tree house.

In addition, when we got to the part in the book where Jack wrote in his notebook, I showed the kids the notebook I made that has all of Jack's notes in it.

Just like the Jolly Roger pirate ship, we made a black flag with bones, swords, and a skull on it. I handed out a piece of black construction paper to each child, as well as a white piece of paper with all the pirate shapes for them to color, cut out, and glue onto their flag. (

Next, we made a pirate similar to Cap'n Bones! I passed out a black-and-white picture of a pirate with the arms and legs detached from the body. The kids colored and cut out all the pirate pieces, and I helped put the pirates together with brads. (

Finally, I brought in a treasure chest, filled with uncooked macaroni. All the kids lined up, waiting their turn to dig for treasure. I had each child close their eyes before their turn, so I could hide a chocolate coin and 5 pennies for them to find.

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