Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mummies in the Morning

As the kids arrived, they got to complete a mummy maze and design their own sarcophagus. I found the mummy maze on and the blank sarcophagus for them to decorate on The picture below is the sarcophagus I decorated to serve as an example for the children.

Then, I summarized the third book, Mummies in the Morning, and asked the children a variety of questions about the book.

Once again, when we arrived at the part in the book where the tree house spun and took Jack and Annie to ancient Egypt, each child received a Dizzy Pill (which is actually a tootsie roll) to help make them less dizzy. After eating their Dizzy Pills, the children were instructed to spin around three times, as if they were in the spinning tree house.

In addition, when we got to the part in the book where Jack wrote in his notebook, I showed the kids the notebook I made that has all of Jack's notes in it.

Our first craft was making a scepter, just like the one the tomb robber tried to steal. The children colored and cut out a picture of an Egyptian dog head, and then I went around taping the dog head to one of the 12" wooden sticks I bought from Michaels.

Later, when Jack and Annie helped Queen Hutepi read the hieroglyphs in the tomb, we used the Egyptian hieroglyphs to write our first names. I printed out a copy of the Egyptian alphabet for each child, so they could use the hieroglyphs as a key.

Finally, at the end, we got into groups and used toilet paper to wrap each other like mummies! This was a ton of fun for everyone.

The program keeps growing and growing - this week 22 kids showed up for our book club meeting. I am so happy to be able to share my love of reading with these children.

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