Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lions at Lunchtime

For warm up, the children colored a picture of a lion, giraffe, and zebra. You can find this picture at

I summarized the eleventh book, Lions at Lunchtime, and asked the children a variety of questions about the book.

When we arrived at the part in the book where the tree house spun and took Jack and Annie to Africa, each child received a Dizzy Pill (which is actually a tootsie roll) to help make them less dizzy. After eating their Dizzy Pills, the children were instructed to spin around three times, as if they were in the spinning tree house.

When we got to the part in the book where Jack wrote in his notebook, I showed the notebook I made that has all of Jack's notes in it.

For our first craft, I gave all the children a piece of paper with circles, rectangles, and triangles on it. They colored, cut out, and glued these shapes to form an elephant! You can find this craft at

Prior to the meeting, I printed out a blank beehive for each child. I brought Honeycomb cereal for the children to glue onto their beehives. After the craft was finished, everyone ate the leftover Honeycomb. Yum!

At the end, I scattered rotini pasta along the tables and gave each child a paper plate. The children glued the pasta around the plate, like a lion's mane. They also decorated the middle of the plate with crayons and googly eyes to look like a lion's face.

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